Monday, December 30, 2019

The Comeback of the Aluminum Can Part 1

The Comeback of the Aluminum Can Part 1 The Comeback of the Aluminum Can Part 1 The Comeback of the Aluminum Can, Part 1Summers here and the time is right for cracking open an ice-cold can of ones favorite brew. For those who imbibe, nothing goes better with a day at the beach, on the links, or behind the mower than a cold beer. And for the past 60 summers, millions of beer lovers have been quaffing the golden elixir from 12-oz aluminum pop-top cans.As we commemorate the aluminum beverage cans 1958 debut, several factors are shaking up the current can market. On the up side, a growing embrace of cans by the nations surging craft brewing industry is driving sales of high-end microbrews and recycling the beer cans low-brow public image. On the uncertain side, new U.S. tariffs on imported aluminum sheet are causing the brewing industry to predict widespread job losses, brewery failures, and higher prices. We cant foretell the future, but we can take a look back at engineerings role in t he evolution of Americas iconic beer cans.Cans at a GlanceThose born after a certain date might not recognize this aluminum can pull tab. ansehen Wikimedia CommonsBeer has been packaged in metal cans since the end of Prohibition. The first company to make the switch was Richmond, VA-based Gottfried Krueger Brewery, which in 1935 started selling two of its varieties in heavy-gauge steel cans weighing nearly 4 oz. Later that year, Pabst would take the can national, and the other major brewers swiftly followed suit. To open these early cans required the drinker to keep handy a church key, a once-familiar gadget with a pointed metal tip used to punch drinking and ventilation holes in the can top. To work around that inconvenience, later brewers developed cone-topped cans that were capped and could be opened like traditional bottles. However, the conical shape of the container made it mora difficult than a flat top can for shipping and stacking and cone tops fizzled out by the end of the 1950s.For You New Twist on an Old Tool A quantum shift in beer can production occurred in 1963 with the introduction of the self-opening pull tab can by Pittsburgh Brewing, maker of Iron City beer. The pull-tab caught on quickly and dominated the industry for at least 10 years. The only drawback what to do with the sharp-edged metal ring-tab assembly once the can was opened? Many people simply tossed them aside, leading to concerns over litter and the risk of injury. The industry responded with safer, litter-free opening technologies such as Coors push-button can and todays standard stay-tab design.All In for AluminumAluminums introduction to the canned beer market in 1958 was less than smooth. To commemorate Hawaiis impending statehood in 1959, Honolulu-based Hawaii Brewing Company decided to introduce a canned version of its Primo beer. The company grew interested in aluminum because the raw material was much lighter than steel and therefore cheaper to ship in from the mainland. The company invested in the earliest aluminum filling and packing equipment and successfully produced some 23,000 cases of 11-oz cans of Primo. However, according to, a website for collectors, the company used a can-lining process that failed to block interaction between the beer and surrounding metal, effectively spoiling the contents. Reportedly unable even to give the skunked swill away, the company issued a recall and lurched toward its eventually bankruptcy. But this was merely a hiccup in aluminums inevitable rise to dominance after Coors brought all-aluminum packaging into the mainstream in 1959.Aluminum cans help protect the beers quality and increase its shelf life because they were better than bottles at blocking out light and oxygen. Cans are also much cheaper to produce, store, and ship and are getting better all the time. For example, can-maker Ball Corporation (Broomfield, CO) says its cans now contain 40% less metal than they did in 1970, and about 70% of that is recycled material. Consumers like cans because they chill quickly, are easier to haul around, and are more convenient to recycle than glass bottles. And more recently, small regional craft brewers have readily embraced cans as a cost-effective means of expanding their market reach. In the process, they are helping to recycle canned beers low-brow public image as the drink of choice for Homer Simpson types who prize quantity over quality. Todays world-wide tipplers go through about 200 million aluminum cans a year. Thats a lot of dead soldiers. Brewers, however, promote aluminum as a more sustainable packaging choice than glass. According the Aluminum Association, used aluminum cans are nearly twice as likely to be recycled than glass or plastic containers.Read Part 2 of The Comeback of the Aluminum Can to learn more about the production process and new technologies surrounding aluminum cans.Michael MacRae is an independent writer.Read More3D Printing Trains Bomb-Sniffing DogsInsight from Human SightNew Process Embeds Coded Data on 3D-Printed Parts For Further Discussion

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

A Case for Cover Letters

A Case for Cover Letters A Case for Cover Letters Between updating your resume and searching for open positions,the job hunt can be both a daunting and time-consuming endeavor. You may be tempted to skip the titelbild letter or even worse, send a templated titelseite letter its imperative that you take full advantage of the unique opportunity to share your story.Below are just a few reasons why titelblatt letters are critical to securing a first-round job interview, as well as some thoughts on how they can separate you from thecompetition.Cover Letters Allow You to Express YourselfUnless the job for which you are applying is in a creative field (e.g., designer, art director, etc.), your resume should not be the place to show off your personality. Save that for your cover letter.When applying for a position, your resume should include facts and figures. Much of your resume will be composed ofjob titles and succinct data points (e.g., I grew revenue by X percent in 2015). Cover let ters, on the other hand, are your opportunity to express yourself.Yourcover letter can show a company what type of person you are and what inspires you. It should tell the company how it will benefit from hiring you not what you want from the company. A Google search can tell employers things that they might find on your resume (i.e., awards, past jobs, education), but cover letters reveal information that employers may not be able to find online.Consequently, crafting a solid cover letter gives you the ability to impress the company with your writing skills, something that is valued in a wide variety of jobs. Not only does an eloquent cover letter build your personal brand, but it also shows your competence in matters of communication and style, thus increasing your chances of securing an interview.A Great Cover Letter Sets You ApartIf you can capture the attention of the employerwith a well-written and thoughtful cover letter, they will remember you especially if your tone and w riting style appeals to them. The best cover letters show that you took time to research the company, position, industry, and ways youcould contribute in that specific environment. Be sure to exhibit that youve done your research on both the company and the position, as this will be another differentiator when the employer is deciding upon which candidates will be given interviews.On the other hand, submitting a boilerplate cover letter will, more often than not, result in your resume heading straight to the recycle bin. Do not assume that one vague cover letter will be sufficient for all applications, or that geschftslebenes will not be able to tell that youve used the same cover letter for multiple applications. Youre better off not sending a cover letter at all than you are sending something generic.Cover Letters Allow You to Make a Case for YourselfIf you found a job listing, prepared your resume, and researched the company, then, at this point in the process, you should know th e characteristics, education, and job experiences the company is looking for in applicants. Cover letters allow you to make a case for yourself if you do not meet all the requirements.Instead of avoiding the listed requirements that you do not possess, you can address them head-on. This is your chance to tell your story, to explain why you would be a good candidate for the position, and to win the company over.For example, if you have held a variety of different jobs for short periods of time, worked nontraditional jobs, or lack experience, a cover letter could be incredibly helpful insecuring an interview. If you are applying for a job but have no business experience, employersmay be inclined to dismiss your application. However, you could explain in your cover letter that although you do not have business experience, you have lead a group of peers as the president of your sorority in college. This explanation could encourage employersto keep your resume in the stack of potential c andidates.Another example is if a company is looking for a future team member that has skills that you do not. Perhaps a company wants to hire a coder who knows a specific code language that you do not know. Instead of ignoring the requirement, you can explain in your cover letter that you know similar languages, or that you have taken a class in the specific language, therefore assuaging any doubt the company may have.Do not think that employers will not notice your lack of experience or that you have an unrelated college degree. In fact, they will notice and will think that you applied without even reading the job posting at all.If They Specifically Say No Cover Letters, Then No Cover LettersAlthough there are a lot of benefits to cover letters, some companies dont want them. If this is the case, then you do not have to submit a cover letter. Alternatively, if the company does not specify one way or the other, it never hurts to send a cover letter with your application.Cover lette rs take a lot of time, but they are well worth it. Put in the extra effort to do the research, personalize each letter, and call out important position requirements, and youll be happy with the resultsMeghann Isgan is an HR consultant working at One Click.Master the art of closing deals and making placements. Take our Recruiter Certification Program today. Were SHRM certified. Learn at your own pace during this 12-week program. Access over 20 courses. Great for those who want to break into recruiting, or recruiters who want to further their career.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

7 social media trends to prepare yourself for in 2019

7 social media trends to prepare yourself for in 20197 social media trends to prepare yourself for in 2019Social media has been alive and well since the dawn of the internet and since the mid-2000s, geschftliches miteinanderes have been developing ways to use these friendly forums to reach users, customers, and clients. As the founder and CEO of Odyssey New Media, LTD Robert Stoubos explains, significant portions of peoples attention every day and every week are spent consuming information and engaging with pals, influencers, and brands. In fact, Facebook, Instagram, and the whole gamut are arguably more engaging than watching TV or playing video games these days, according to Stoubos.This requires companies to not only have a platform on social media but to always invest in the most effective strategies that evolve over time and throughout industries. In fact, Stoubos estimates more than 70% of businesses use at least one social media platform for their absatzwirtschaft campaigns, a nd less than half view them as part of their ROI strategy.This has been a very interesting change in the traditional ROI driven approaches for digital marketing of the past. There is more of a holistic view of where social media falls for businesses and its importance in engaging and influencing their customers as well as the knock-on impact to conversions through other channels like PPC and SEO, he continues.So, how can you set yourself up for success? Here, social media experts make their predictionsAudience demand for that informative, engaging content will continue to rise.Usually, references as UGC, user-generated content and micro influences are set to reign in 2019, as their influence will make the largest impact on their sphere of followers, according to director of PR and social media for Ignite Visibility, Samya A. France.What are the stats for this bracket of marketing? France explains these Instagram or YouTube stars usually have a following between 10,00 and 50,000, whi ch makes it easier to strike a deal with them only if youre selling something their audience will be genuinely interested in.Thats why you need to make sure youre only contacting influencers who fit within your niche. Users will continue to expect that companies will communicate with them in the ways they like. Thats why its vital for marketers to be aware of their customers communication preferences, she explains.Facebook may not always be the king of social.Unless youve ignored all of the news lately while traveling around the world with no WiFi, you likely have heard about Facebooks bouts with privacy, political implications and internal chaos.For these reasons and others, social media guru and associate digital marketing manager for Spectrum Brands, Jordan Rosenbaum predicts Zuckerbergs steamroller might take a back seat in 2019. Though youll likely still spend a pretty penny with FB, its smart to consider other avenues, too.The social network should still demand a lions share of the average social marketers budgets and time through 2019, but this year taught us that the network giant is mortal, he explains. The privacy Pandoras Box that opened this year is going to be impossible to close, and it leaves the door open for new, nimble privacy-focused social networks to attack Facebook.Business LinkedIn Pages will become more prominent.If youre an entrepreneur, you probably have a business LinkedIn page - but when was the last time you thought about it? As 2019 progresses, Stoubos predicts this profile will become more important across all sectors.They will look to align them more closely to something similar to Facebook pages in terms of features and also prominence on its platform,he shares. This will enable businesses to better advertise their products and services via LinkedIn and could also mean that LinkedIn can provide payment gateways and mini sites from within their platform.No product category is safe from being upended.Dont want to leave your hou se? You dont have to since hey, you can get pretty much anything direct-to-consumer. From mattresses to teeth straightening systems, Rosenbaum says this trend is prepared to enter every product category over the next five years, and to be successful, they have to rely on social.Some of them get big enough to move to TV and other ad mediums, but social is where they thrive - showing consumers that the products theyve grown to know and love arent the only ones on the block, he explains. Social marketers in established businesses should keep their eyes peeled, no product category is safe from social-first startups in 2019.The vertical video will rise.It might seem like a simple shift, but it is actually paramount across various channels, according to digital marketer and strategist Melanie Long. She explains the way people consume content is changing with IGTV - aka, Instagram television. Artists and progressive brands have started to go against the horizontal norm and release vertic al video instead.It makes sense because fewer and fewer people are using their laptop to scroll through. Vertical video is more user-friendly on a mobile phone. In the meantime, businesses should budget for creating video content in multiple formats to fit different platforms, she explains. If your 2019 marketing strategy is mobile-first, consider vertical video content.Small businesses will need to invest in social media.Even if you have less than five employees and youre a regional business, Rosenbaum says social isnt an optional add-on anymore. Its a requirement. He even goes as far to say, particularly in the cut-throat restaurant industry, being where your consumers are is a prerequisite. Or really, any place where customer opinion not only matters but is published for the world to see.Focus less dollars on social networks and more on location-based platforms like Google Maps and Yelp. Theyre the places customers look before they walk through your doors - sometimes when theyre sitting in the parking lot, he explains. Social proof has never been more important for small business success, luckily - consumers have never been more likely to leave reviews.Go above and beyond to deliver great service and youre golden.Buying directly on social media will be easier.Long explains in 2018, Instagram announced the ability to buy tickets and make reservations directly through the app. While this was huge for ticket brokers and chains, theres still a lot left to explore.After all, when you follow a celebrity or a blogger and youd love to find out where they purchased their earrings, you have to go through a complicated process on Instagram to actually snag em. Thats bad for brands and consumers, so its time for an upgrade.In 2019, well see the rise of being able to buy direct through social apps. Which also means businesses approach to social advertising could shift, Long predicts.

Monday, December 16, 2019

This is your dream job if you love Hallmark Holiday movies

This is your dream job if you love Hallmark Holiday moviesThis is your dream job if you love Hallmark Holiday moviesWill you sit down and full on watch a Hallmark Holiday movie in the middle of July if it is on? Do you actually associate Candace Cameron Bure and Lacey Chabert more with the Hallmark channel than on the television shows that appeared on first as children and then as adolescents? Do you wonder why you never meet charming attractive potential love interests at a bakery, Christmas tree farm or ice skating rink? Well, if this is you then you are going to want the following job.Synthetic Cinema has an open sign-up for background roles AKA extras in a Christmas romantic drama that will air on The Hallmark Channel, according toThe Day. Surprisingly this production will not actually be filmed in Canada, where many of the Hallmark movies are filmed, but in Connecticut.Whats cool for extras is coming down and seeing the whole process, producer Andrew Gernhard told The Day. Seein g the crew and the other extras and the stars and actually being able to be involved. Plus, fake snow will be involved (obviously.) How could you not want this job?The Hallmark formulaIt has not been announced which leading lady of Hallmark will be involved with this production but there is always a strong chance it could be Cameron Bure, Chabert or another actress who was the star of a successful television show in the early 90s, played a secondary character on a successful television show in the early 90s, played a tertiary character on a successful show in the early 90s, or was on a soap opera.Hallmark put out 22 new holiday films in 2018 alone (that is a whole lot of fake snow) and the channel just announced it will air one of their holiday movies every Friday night for the rest of the year. That means gingerbread contests, hot cocoa cookoffs, and romantic sleigh rides every weekAccording to Crown Media, the parent of Hallmark and its sister network Hallmark Movies Mysteries, t he network nabbed more female viewers (aged 18 to 49 and 25 to 54) than any other cable network during Q4 of last year.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Mitigating the Legal Risks of Social Media

Mitigating the Legal Risks of Social Media Mitigating the Legal Risks of Social Media Social media is not only changing the way we communicate with friends, but dramatically changing the way we work as well. Social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, as well as blogs, wikis, and other virtual communities offer new ways to engage customers and build stronger relationships. Marketing savvy companies are finding creative ways to use social media to promote their products and services and enrich their brand.Because a message can be disseminated to thousands of people at the touch of a button, social media is a powerful communication mechanism, particularly with the proliferation of smart phones. However, there are many inherent legal and PR risks in such an open communication medium and companies should beware of how their employees are using social media.Understand Legal RamificationsThe downside of social media, say Sharon Nelson and John Simek of information security firm S ensei Enterprises, Inc., is Its use may give rise to tauglichkeit legal liability and adversely affect brands or organization reputation.In a 2011 blog post titled The Legal Implications of Social Media, the law firm InformationLawGroup cautioned Organizations that employ social media face several information security legal issues. These legal risks can be broken down into three broad categories 1) potential liability due to a breach of the organizations security as the result of an attack originating through the use of social media 2) potential legal risk associated with social engineering and spoofing attacks against users or fans of an organizations social media presence, persona or application and 3) legal consequences of leakage of third party confidential information as a result of social media use.Avoid Social Media GaffesAs more and more companies experiment with social media, some have learned the dangers of social media the hard way. For example, Chrysler hired a social me dia agency to manage its social media presence. One agency representative sent out a tweet on Twitter disparaging Detroit drivers from the ChryslerAutos account. The Tweet read I find it ironic that Detroit is known as the motorcity and yet no one here knows how to f$ing drive. The agency representative reportedly mistakenly used the wrong account for the tweet and was fired. Needless to say, that gaffe became a PR nightmare for Chrysler.In another corporate blunder, Qantas airline launched a Twitter campaign the day after the company and its union stopped contract talks that essentially shut down the airline, stranding and inconveniencing thousands of travelers. The social media campaign featured a contest asking customers to tell us what your dream luxury inflight experience (with Qantas) is. Enraged customers were quick to publicly voice their displeasure with the airline.Create a Social Media PolicySo how do companies mitigate social media legal risks and PR nightmares? Social m edia experts advise companies to create a social media policy for their employees that clearly states guidelines and be sure that employees are trained. It is important that the company monitors social media outlets for comments about the company, and take immediate action to respond to any negative comments. If there is any questionable activity, seek legal advice immediately.While every company has different social media goals, many common best practices can be found in 100 examples of Corporate Social Media Policies, published at Intel Corporation, for example, outlines three key rules of engagement in social media guidelines for its employees.Disclose your presence in social media must be transparent.Protect take extra care to protect both Intel and yourself.Use Common Sense remember that professional, straightforward, and appropriate communication is best.In its publicly shared Top 10 Guidelines for Social Media Participation, Shift Communications, a Boston-b ased PR agency, advises its clients to participate online in a respectful, relevant way that protects our reputation and of course follows the letter and spirit of the law.The federal government encourages its agencies to employ social media and sees many benefits. For instance, agencies like the Federal Emergency Management Association and Department of Homeland Security can broadcast special alerts and emergency announcements, departments can proactively share success stories with their constituents, and agencies like NASA and the NSF can use it as an educational vehicle. The Federal Government has posted very specific guidelines for government employees as published by at Government Policy on The Use of Facebook-Twitter-Social Media.Social media is not going away so its best to understand it, monitor it, and provide the guidance necessary to maximize its benefits to your organization.Tom Ricci is the owner of Ricci Communications.Social media is not going away so it s best to understand it, monitor it, and provide the guidance necessary to maximize its benefits to your organization.

Friday, December 6, 2019

What to Expect From Resume Template Google Doc?

What to Expect From Resume Template Google Doc? This vorlage gives you the ability to create a top-notch CV. So if you decide to go the Resume Builder route, be mindful that you will have to cover the last product. Selecting a resume format in 2019 isnt as difficult as you expect. For instance, a template can explain to you how to lay out your CV. What to Expect From Resume Template Google Doc? For some folks, obtaining a resume sample is merely like a template because it may be used as guide for both konzept and content. Course load vitae may be used to for an academic education whilst a resume is commonly utilised to acquire work launching. How well you layout your resume is critical to increasing your likelihood of getting hired. You ought to understand, that resume format is crucial, as it can boost your odds to get invited for an interview. You may also share your documents with other people. Google will automatically index your resume to get included in its searc h outcome, allowing potential employers to discover your information. Note the way the education section is concise and just lists key information. Follow the URL to locate a multitude of resume examples in a selection of fashions. A template also simply makes it possible to conserve time. Along with its basic appearance, it gives you the sections you should include with subtle prompts to help. This template is the perfect tool with which to create a modern resume. It is free to download and you are allowed to use it for any schrifts of personal or commercial projects. There are lots of significances of a superior template. Search by file type to produce sure that you are able to use the templates you find. Youre able to download the resume template at no cost and can readily edit the template using Microsoft word. This professionally designed template can help you to earn an amazing first impression. Google Docs exports documents in numerous formats, making it simple to submit the proper file type to a hiring manager. Google supplies a resume-builder tool which it is possible to utilize to create a professional resume. Creating a resume can be a difficult job. Creating your resume is vital. Lets look at a mixture of free Google Docs and Microsoft Word templates. In the end, a good deal of online resume templates is just editable in programs like MS Word, Illustrator, or PhotoShop. Fortunately, there are various publishers around whove created incredible resume templates for fast editing and formatting in Word. The 1 downside to world wide web document systems such as Google Drive is that you should have accessibility to the web to use them. Who Else Wants to Learn About Resume Template Google Doc? For instance, you may decide to left-align critical dates on your resume by including a left tab stop, which means that your dates are wholly aligned with one another. There are several letter formats you may use for your cover letter, and mult iple resume formats too. All prior versions, for instance, current edition, will continue to be available. Opportunely, google docs has a solution for it The freebie includes word Docx and Pdf documents so you can readily edit it to your requirements. If youre on the lookout for a fast means to begin your resume, google docs resume templates are among the handiest solutions around. The truth is, millions of students have gone through just what youre doing at the moment. Asking your family and friends members about open positions is a remarkable means to locate the correct job. Black and white is the thing to do.Make your very first impression perfect. Any resume is a marketing document, which you have to do the just one thing to offer your candidacy in the very best and dependable way. Ensure you didnt miss whatever could cost you the job that you dream about With the correct amount of preparation and education, youll be in a position to join the work market with confidenc e. The Importance of Resume Template Google Doc Hiring managers are busy people and should they scan your resume and cant locate some information or skills fast you arent the one, whod find a call today If you are looking for an easy but stunning design thats guaranteed to appeal to any hiring manager than you are in right spot. In addition, think about working with a professional recruiter to make sure that youve got the very best shot at landing the correct job. You can put your job search files into specific folders to help organize your work search. It is almost always better to compose your resume from scratch. Keep in mind, you can remove entire sections if youd like to, like the computer abilities or language locations. The clean and easy design can help you to demonstrate your skills, portfolio items in an outstanding way. Each template gives structure, examples and tips so you dont need to start from scratch when creating your resume.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Why You Should Hire Sourcers AND Recruiters - Spark Hire

Why You Should Hire Sourcers AND Recruiters - Spark HireMany staffing agencies refuse to keep their sourcing and recruiting as two separate functions. A lot of times, this is because therbeie is a lack of knowledge when it comes to the true function of a sourcer.There are 3 key reasons why you should consider hiring sourcers in addition to your recruiters.1. Sourcers are Boolean ExpertsSourcers are more than just administrative support, as ERE clearly points out in the earnings comparison between recruiters and sourcers.True sourcers are search experts, understanding the ins and outs of Boolean searches. This is something that many recruiters lack expertise in. While a recruiter may understand the basics of Boolean searches, it is likely that they are not as skilled at this as an expert sourcer is.Lets face it, being able to understand how and where to find the best talent is key for your staffing companys success. Uncovering hidden talent is what a sourcer specializes in.2. Sourcers Keep the Candidate Pool FullWhen you have a skilled sourcer focusing on uncovering talent, you will maintain a steady flow of viable candidates at all times.A lot of times, when a recruiter is tasked with sourcing along with her other responsibilities, the candidate pool can dwindle due to lack of time to devote to proactive sourcing. This eventually causes a reactive recruitment strategy versus a proactive strategy.Your sourcer will not only source candidates for existing openings. The true purpose of a sourcer is to also uncover top talent for existing as well as possible future needs.3. Sourcers help Recruiters focus on Clients and Key CandidatesIf you are relying on your recruiter to source for existing needs as well as future needs, in addition to bringing in new business and upholding strong relationships with clients and candidates in play, your recruiting strategy will fail. The ball will be dropped somewhere in the process.Whether your recruiter drops the ball in sourcing the best talent, maintaining relationships with key candidates, or creating solid relationships with clients, your business will suffer.When you have an expert devoted to uncovering top talent at all times, your recruiter will be able to focus on keeping clients happy and maintaining strong relationships with candidates in play throughout the recruiting process. notlage to mention, your business will greatly succeed when you are known for quickly providing the best talent to your clients. This type of reputation is what keeps your clients coming back to you and refusing to waste time with recruiters who provide subpar results.Whats keeping you from hiring sourcers AND recruiters on your team?

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

These will be the 9 biggest health and wellness trends in 2019

These will be the 9 biggest health and wellness trends in 2019These will be the 9 biggest health and wellness trends in 2019The global wellness economy was valued at $4.2 trillion as of 2017 and it isnt surprising at all. According tothe2018 weltweit Wellness Economy Monitor from 2015-2017, the wellness economy grew 6.4% annually, which is twice as fast as global economic growth and the wellness industry now represents 5.3% of total global economic output. In other words, wellness is everywhere.To help you identify the ones that will be all over your office and the food your coworkers will be telling you to try, Well+Goods team of wellness experts spent months researching and vetting emerging trends and topics. Some of them may sound a little strange (and hope you like cauliflower) but you will soon be hearing, reading and binnenseeing your coworkers become obsessed with them super soon.CBD goes mainstreamThanks to the farm bill(Cannabidiol) and its popular use in beauty products get ready to see CBD everywhere including in coconut oil, body lotion, face serum, cold-brew coffee, sports salve, lip balm, water and dog treats.Greg Avetisyan, cofounder of the CBD store Topikal Everything Hemp, told USA Today, Though notlage medically proven, CBDs main purpose is to help alleviate inflammation. So when people use CBD by itself, theyre getting the medicinal benefits of the plant without the psychoactive effects. It treats a lot of different anxieties and pains.And people love good new beauty products that promise to help them fix their life in some way and also make their skin great.Oat milkForgetcomplaining about your coworkers not replacing the almond milk. That is so 2018. Now it is all about oat milk. The gluten-free and sugar-free milk is available in over 2,200 coffee shops and 1,000 grocery stores across the country. You can thank a Swedish company called Oatly for making oats the new almonds.Feminine HygieneThe feminine hygiene market continues to grow andis expected to reach $47.8 tausend milliarden by 2022. Led by companies like LOLA, Thinx, Sustain Natural, The Bloomiand Knickey, an organic underwear company for women. FounderCayla OConnell Davis told Ladders, Womens wellness is certainly at the forefront of conversations ansicht days, which is then permeating and influencing the consumptive behaviors of women in the market finally While some may deem it a trend, I think it is simply a natural progression from the organic food movement and natural products focus that has taken over the beauty industry of late.As consumers, women have begun asking more questions about the provenance of our products the health impacts the ingredients may have on our bodies, and in turn, brought some of these previously niche products to the mainstream market, Davis added. I think that we have finally tapped into thefact that what we put on our bodies matters just as much what we put into them, and that has paved the way for body-peripheral products to enter the household - such as organic skincare products, plastic-free kitchenwares, natural cleaning products, and now organic cotton undiesIV DripsBecause sometimes healing crystals just dont cut it. IV Drips are the new energy boost go-to hangover cure. Made up of a cocktail of nutrients to rejuvenate your immune system, it is quite a bit more effective than Pedialyte. But according to Well Good, they arent just for curing hangovers.Different combinations of vitamins and minerals can enhance your skin, combat jet lag, help with muscle soreness, and improve digestion amongst other things.The Rihanna EffectWorkout brands are continuing to get more inclusive when it comes to sizes as well as shading and along with so many other things, we have Rihanna to thank for that.The average American woman is usuallybetween sizes 16 and 18 but most stores tend to only carry0 through 12. But these retailers are missing out as the size inclusive market (XXS to 5XL) is currently generating $21 billion a year worldwide.Shorter workoutsRejoice if you find dragging yourself to a workout is the hardest part of your day. According to WG experts are becoming more aware of cortisol, which is released when you workout. Cortisol is considered catabolic because it breaks down tissue so too much of this can be a bad thing. This is leading a shift towards shorter workout classes as well as tools like cryotherapy to help keep cortisol levels stable. But dont worry if you think a short workout doesnt make an impact.Pete McCall, certified strength and conditioning specialist (C.S.C.S.), and host of theAll About Fitnesspodcast,told Womens Health, If you do 15 minutes at the right intensity, thats all you need. So while HIIT is going to continue to be popular, we might see it in different forms and times.Cauliflower-maniaHope you like cauliflower because you are going to be eating a whole lot of it. It has already invaded pizza and pasta and now it is coming from snacks. According to WG, sales for packaged cauliflower products grew 71% last year.High fiber foods are one of the biggest nutrition-focused wellness trends on the horizon for 2019, said Tanya Zuckerbrot,founder of the F-Factor Diet, a high-fiber diet plan. Fiber is the secret nutrient for losing weight without hunger, boosting energy and living a healthier life.MCT OilThe cetus Diet has been reigning supreme the last few years thanks to its huge celebrity following. And now the MCT (medium chain triglyceride) oil will be available to the masses. Known for their ability toincrease stamina and focus and help with cravings, the masses will now be able to access them in vegan coffees, granola bars, andBulletproofs Brain Octane oil.One-stop wellness (at work)Perhaps your office offers a gym option, a nap pod or maybe even holds yoga classes but get ready for employers to start embracing one-stop wellness shops. In 2019 workplaces will start to offer workouts as well as spa and healthy food options.Workplaces a re no longer leaving the struggle to implement work-life balance to the employee. You have to recognize that it takes employees time to commute to the gym or go get a holistic treatment. If you can bring these things directly to the office and your time-crunched team, its not just appreciated, it helps balance what their inbox and work demands are throwing at them,Well+Good co-founder Melisse Gelula told Forbes.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Free Entry Level Foreign Language Teacher Resume Template

Free Entry Level Foreign Language Teacher Resume TemplateFree Entry Level Foreign Language Teacher Resume TemplateIf youre ready to get your first teaching position, youll need a stellar entry level resume. This resume style should highlight professional potential as well as your existing skills and experience. While in your first two to three years in the teaching field, you should stick with this resume style. Look over the entry level foreign language teacher template below to gain a deeper understanding of this resume.Create ResumeCustomize ResumeWhat to Include in an Entry Level Foreign Language Teacher ResumeOn your entry level resume, feel free to include some of your more impressive college activities. For example, being the editor of the school paper or participating in a volunteer tutoring program are great for this resume. While you shouldnt include most of your hobbies, school sports teams can be listed on your resume as they showcase dedication. Highlight your most compe lling skills and experience on your resume and focus on showing your potential. If necessary, add a section for your extracurricular activities.Common Resume Fails Mistakes to AvoidTyping Errors As a teacher, typos on your resume can certainly put a wrench in the works. Make sure you carefully proofread your final product before sending it off.Lack of Bullets Bullets are essential to the organization of the traditional resume. Bullets make your resume easier to read and scan, and they economize your space usage.Lack of Keywords Think about the keywords employers will input into their searches. In this case, you should include words like entry level, teacher, and your key language.Including References At this point in the job market, references are meant to be kept in a separate document. Only give your references if you are asked for them.Resume Length The average resume is about one page long. Extensive careers may warrant longer, but as an entry level teacher, one page should be plenty of space.Dishonesty You may be tempted to overstate your skills, but stick with the facts. As an entry level teacher, your employers should be fine with your green status.Resume Content Jackson Delaware 1430 New Bern Road, Newcastle, DE 11111 555.555.5965 Summary Entry level foreign language teacher with full fluency in Spanish, French and German. Highly motivated and organized foreign language teacher with strong leadership skills and extensive tutoring experience. Seeking entry level employment in strong academic environment that will allow for professional development. Highlights Highly sought after professional tutorStrong technology skill setsDiverse instructional strategiesExcellent communication skillsKnowledge of behavior management methodsMicrosoft Office Suite Experience Student Teacher 1/1/2016 6/1/2016 Delaware High School Janesville, DE Supported mentor teacher throughout lessons by preparing student packets, helping students and answering questions.Executed personally made lesson plans with the guidance of mentor teacher. Provided extra support and practice for struggling students after class. Aided in the running of French club, including collecting fees, gathering permission slips, and presenting important information about upcoming events. Studied the teaching methods of mentor teacher and discussed why certain teaching tactics work. Led class language practices and helped correct pronunciation. Middle and High School French and Spanish Tutor 1/1/2013 6/1/2016 Delaware State Tutoring Center Janesville, DE Provided free tutoring services to middle and high school students attending schools near Delaware State.Worked with parents and other tutors to establish strong and individualized tutoring plan for each child.Ensured instruction prepared students for upcoming tests and concepts in the classroom.Organized weekly practice packets for French and Spanish students at the tutoring center.Worked one-on-one with eac h student to pinpoint critical needs and give attention required to grasp concepts firmly.Practiced speaking in groups and with other tutoring students to encourage fluency and confidence.Education Bachelor in Foreign Language InstructionDelaware State, Janesville, Delaware

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Refresh Your Resume for 2011 Before You Have To

Refresh Your Resume for 2011 Before You Have ToRefresh Your Resume for 2011 Before You Have ToThe new year is the perfect time to reflect on milestones, refresh the accomplishments and performance numbers and put it all down in your resume, should you need one in 2011.Something felt wrong.The geschftlicher umgang development executive was concerned about the viability of his company. He and his career development coach, Chris Westfall, thought he might not be a good fit in the organization. Sure enough, in early December the executives e-mail stopped working.Happy holidays, indeed He was out on the street, without so much as a dime of severance pay. Westfall, whos a professional development coach for recent MBA graduates at Texas Christian University and an instructor at Southern Methodist University, said the moral of the story is, Trust your instincts, and take action The good news His client had been working with Westfall prior to his job loss. They were, Westfall said, already on the path to meaningful change.With the new year comes the chance to catch your resume up on what you accomplished in the previous year, so youll be ready to jump into action if an opportunity arises or your job disappears. Did you get promoted? Take on new responsibilities? Start the new year with a fresh resume and a file full of bragging rights, and youll be ready for whatever 2011 has in store. Here are some things to consider for a resume refresh.Update Your Client and Contact ListWestfall calls his client a Hometown Hero a local business development guy, born and raised in Dallas, with an astonishing client list. Thats going to be an invaluable asset to him, as he communicates what hes done for clients and what he can do for an employer.Resume professionals recommend weaving clients into your resume where appropriate, typically in work history or summary sections. Westfall and his client are also working on adding more connections and completing the clients LinkedIn profile, t o raise his prominence in search results and strengthen his online brand.Update Your NumbersCareer and lifestyle expert and author Sandra Lamb recently had a client who was an IT professional. He was promoted to supervising a gruppe around the world, and he had plenty of new performance metrics to tout following a recent project release his group completed.These are the quantifiables he recorded in his resume fileNumber of team members he supervisedTeam members geographical locationsComplexity and time frame of releaseInitial release statisticsTime, retooling and rerelease of the productLambs client will draw from these when he sends out a resume to a potential employer. This approach makes him a prime candidate for several employers familiar with his skills - even in this anemic market - if/when they need to fill a key position, Lamb said.Take stock of the projects you worked on in the past year. Gather up data with regards to impact, supervisory scope, time frames, total sales a nd whatever else is quantifiable.Update Your Skills SectionElizabeth Lions, author of Recession Proof Yourself suggests that now is the time to get a certification or otherwise add to your skills. For IT professionals, the project management professional (PMP) is a red-hot commodity. Learning Tree Internationals Don Berbary, president and general manager for U.S. operations, said client companies are pushing their employees to get project management training under their belts so they can better manage large and complex products.Whatever certifications are hot in your field, go for them. If you took courses and/or acquired a certification in 2010, make aya its on your resume.More UpdateablesOther items to store in your resume update filePromotionsNew responsibilitiesThank-you letters, e-mailsAnd a few more update tips, from Joey Price, HR director and founder of Push Consultant Group, LLC Leverage Performance Reviews Document positive accomplishments discussed with your supervisor, P rice counseled.Ask for a recommendation on LinkedIn from your supervisor and colleagues. Employers are more likely to write favorable recommendations while you are employed when you have done a good job, he said.Never miss a milestone Price encourages clients to keep a career journal where they document daily accomplishments. Its helpful both in preparing for a performance review and updating a resume.